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Amelia standing ready to take on your project.

Amelia J Shoptaugh


Certified Declutter Coach

Professional Organizer


Clutter got you stressed and overwhelmed?

Constantly losing things, or buying duplicates?

Spending too much time cleaning and organizing? 


Fuck the Perfect Life

Work with me and I'll help you declutter your mind and home of anything holding you back

How? By partnering with you to develop a plan of action and create an organization system that works best for you.



After the first two years of the pandemic, I found the walls of my house slowly closing in around me. After two years of fear, sadness, and lack of motivation, I found my home exploding with piles of stuff. Just stuff everywhere. I was scared to tell anyone about it. I was embarrassed. But I also knew I couldn't dig myself out of it alone. That's when Amelia came in. When I finally had the courage to accept help, Amelia was there. She helped declutter my home in an efficient but gentle way. She worked with me through the stuff. One item at a time. She didn't just come in and tell me to get rid of everything. She helped me make tough decisions. She made sure I knew the decisions were mine to make. She made me feel safe and didn't judge how bad it had gotten. Once those decisions were made, we figured out what we could donate. Then we made sure the things I was keeping found a place. She helped set me up with organizational systems that made sense and would be easy to maintain. When everything felt impossible, Amelia helped dig me out. She set me up for success with maintaining organization that made sense for me. I couldn't have done it without her!

-Stephanie R.


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